Jack Rayder has been a performer for most of his life. He loves to sing, act, and of course show off his gorgeous body on camera. He came to CockyBoys with his real-life boyfriend (and fellow porn model) Lukas Grande, and their scenes together are the result of a lot of practice! Jack's bold personality and dark, smooth features have already gained him a lot of fans. He's mostly a bottom, but he loves to switch it up every once in a while with Lukas. With so many talents, Jack is sure to take CockyBoys to new heights!
Maximuk on 01/02/2016 Wow look at this hottie... Seriously would do anything to get him :) virgoguy666 on 02/17/2016 When will we see Jack Rayder again? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!@ on 05/08/2018 MORE JACK!!! Wixkumpel on 08/09/2019 Any chance to get him back to business, he the most stunning guy i've ever seen!
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