JJ Knight is one handsome dude! His dark hair, hazel eyes, and his sweet, genuine personality really make him the full package. He has one of the most contagious smiles -- and that's when you know he's the real deal. Authentic, charming, masculine, comforting... there's no way a date with JJ can go wrong. And if that weren't enough, just wait until he strips naked.
This 6'2" adonis has a cock very much in proportion to his height -- a full 9.5" cut to be exact! JJ obviously loves to top most of the time, loves watching his partner squeal in ecstasy as he pounds the daylights out of him. A total fucking professional, JJ's a real catch and will surely be putting smiles on many of our CockyBoys for days on end.
Liam on 05/03/2016 JJ is one hot fucker. I could watch him eat ass forever. There needs to be a video where he just rims and fingers a hungry bottom (like Levi Michaels or Asher Hawk) for the entire clip. Nothing but him eating and playing with ass. Sweetheart on 05/09/2016 Welcome to cockyboys jj. I just watched ur scenes with Ricky and Zak and u Are already one of my favorite models. I love ur smile ur Eyes and yes offcouse ur dick but most i like ur intensety when ur making a scene i blogs me away . Kisses miss sweetheart Morrisseyx on 05/17/2016 I like that JJ finally bottoms nice to see him take it up the ass. Good scene!
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